Perfect is not Perfect
Do you have an ALL or NOTHING mindset? Do you set unrealistic standards for yourself and find yourself spending unnecessary time trying...
You Choose To Be Offended
You make the choice to be offended. Choose not. When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the...
Speak with Conviction
So often when people are called to speak up in front of others, they become overly cautious in their fear of offending anyone. In so...
Are We Treating Kids like Robots?
We've taught our Captivating Students program in hundreds of schools to thousands of students and the results have been absolutely...
Imagine yourself walking to the front of a crowded room. You climb a few steps and take the stage, standing to one side while you are...
Knowing where to Tap
Robert G Allen, in his book, relates a story about a factory owner who had an important piece of equipment break down that could shut...
Why Do People Shout?
A wise man was walking along a beach when he noticed some family members shouting at one other. He smiled and asked his companions, "Why...
7 Secrets to Captivate an Audience
Here are just seven ways you can make a good first impression and make an impact. Who is there? Find out more about who will be in your...
Do you suffer from "Imposter Syndrome"?
by Chanti Niven As a young woman, I started my first business or to be more accurate, a great business opportunity landed in my lap. To...
How to Speak so that Others Listen
Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert...